Ukraine Benefit Milonga

April 7, 2024 16:30-23:30 Amsterdam

Welcome to the second edition, collecting donations for our tango friends in Ukraine to support defending their land and lives.

UBM october event 14.030-683p-60

Ukraine Benefit Milonga

Thanks to all your efforts, the result of the first Ukraine Benefit Milonga in November 2023 was overwhelming: 14.030 euro. Over 200 dancers attained. Many others contributed too.

This second edition, the hosts will again cover all organi­sational costs. All your donations will go equally to initiatives of two Ukrainian volunteers who we personally know and trust:

  • Mik & Julia (life saving tools & medications).
  • Natalia Shylova (supporting several volunteer initiatives).

There is no entrance fee to the event. Pay what your heart suggests.

Ukrainian cooks prepared 4 menu’s (had to be reserved before April 1).

You support

Add your positive heart intention to support Ukrainians who have been particularly hard hit by the war.

Big wooden floor

145 of a perfect wooden floor.
113 to chill, chat, enjoy food & drinks.

DJ Serjan (vinyl)
DJ Age

7 hours of the best tango, selected by 2 awesome DJs: DJ Serjan (vinyl) & DJ Age.

Order dinner before 1 april
Ukrainian Dinner Menu

Authentic home-made Ukrainian food and drinks and Ukrainian souvenirs will make you feel like teleported to the peaceful and warmly welcoming Ukraine as it was pre-war. All profits are added to your donations.

If you empathise whole-heartedly, you want to join our initiative, but cannot come for some reason?
Donate via this iDEAL link
or PayPal: mentioning “Personal Donation to support Ukraine”.

Dinner had to be reserved before April 1.

Who & What


With gratitude to you all: Sebastian & Age & Julia

Supported Ukrainian initiatives
Supported Ukrainian initiatives

Mik & Julia – a couple in tango and life, amazing dancers and world known DJs.
They coordinate supply of medication and life-saving tools.
Mik about our previous edition:
“Dear tango family, thank you very much! We are touched by your support and amazed by your generosity. As Sebastian mentioned, you donated €7,458 to our initiative to supply Ukrainian people protecting our country on the battlefield with medicines and life-saving tools.

Natalia Shylova – tangueara and co-organiser of the warm and welcoming Ukrainian festival: TESOROMÍO TANGO MARATHON KYIV. She  is volunteering since 24.02.22 in many ways. Now she is supporting the project Крила Помсти – a charity foundation producing military drones in Ukraine.

DJ Serjan (vinyl)
DJ Serjan (vinyl)


DJ Age
DJ Age



Amsterdam East or at P&R Rai

Park for free in East, just over the bridge over the Amstel, 10 minutes walk.
Parking around the venue €6.50/h.
For €6/day park at P&R Rai (Europaplein). Follow their procedure, with your OV-chip card or public transport ticket.


Stadhouderskade 89 map
1073 AX Amsterdam

Thank you!

Everyone who donates, participates, volunteers!